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Where does the mango tree begin and where does it end?

“Whatever appears, it is empty of its own nature.
By remembering this, there is no clinging or nonclinging.” – Milarepa

“Plants, crops, and fruits, these three:
When they arise, they arise from the  earth.
When they dissolve, into the earth they dissolve.” – Milarepa

The mango tree with its sweet fruits, attracts bats, birds, and monkeys.
Who eat the fruits and poop beneath the tree. The tree’s deep long roots take up the nutrients from the manure with the help of microorganisms and insects.
Weaver ants crawl on the branches and make nests inside the leaves. Spiders make webs from branch to branch to have a nice meal of flying insects, and the wide umbrella canopy that casts a pleasant shade allows the plants, mosses, and lichens to grow on its trunk and branches. Sometimes vines and lianas wrap around the stout trunk all the way to the top.
The thick layer of decaying leaves around the tree hold moisture, combined with the shade cast of the mother tree, preventing the young mango seeds from drying out, causing them to sprout with the first good rains.

Even if the leaves fall from the mango tree or the fruits severed from its body, the benefits and the life the tree provides extend beyond itself in space and time.
All those who interact with the mango tree can be said to be part of the mango tree, so where does the mango tree end, and where does it begin?

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