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People Who Inspired Me

This is a list of names of people that either inspired me or who I think did something beneficial to the world.
Most of these people listed below advocated either natural farming; no plowing / no till; reforestation; or environmental restoration.

Masanobu Fukuoka, Akinori Kimura, Yoshikazu Kawaguchi, Akira Miyawaki,
Kailash Murthy, Bhaskar Save, Bharat Mansata, Narayana Reddy, Subhash Palekar, Vandana Shiva,
G. Nammalvar, Jadav “Molai” Payeng, Shubendhu Sharma,

Larry Korn, Paul Stamets, Elaine Ingham, Krishna McKenzie, Gil Carandang, Ruth Stout, Gabe Brown, Daniel Quinn, Wangari Maathai, Carey Gillam

I might add to this list more if I encounter more inspiring people.

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