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Goal Accomplished

Before I met my wife Isobelle, before Jihatsu, I was in a bit of an existential crisis in my life… At 20 years old. Not sure about what I would want to do next in my life and what I was supposed to be doing. I knew that I had to set a goal for


Learning From The Resilience and Adaptability of Nature

Life on Earth has existed for at least 3.7 billion years. 3.7 Billion years is a span of time that no human could ever comprehend or conceptualize. In those billions of years life has encountered the most destructive catastrophic events imaginable, from giant meteors, volcanic eruptions, to climate change and near extinctions. And yet life


You Can Do It

In my late teens my father asked me if I would want to do 10K race with him. I didn’t want to at first, but eventually I said yes. At that time I was struggling a lot with my allergy: Exercise-induced anaphylaxis. I wasn’t sure how I would be able to run a 10K with

pine tree forest woman jihatsuecofarm

I Can Not Survive Without Nature

My wife and I hadn’t been to the Dutch beach for three years. Today, we finally made it there. Before reaching the beach, we had to pass through some sand dunes built by the Dutch to stop the wind and water. There was also a nice forest nearby. We rode our bikes 18 kilometers to


From Simplicity To Complexity (Gall’s Law)

Ever heard of Gall’s law? Me neither, until recently, but Gall’s law is important to understand natural farming, evolution, and ecological succession, and many other things as well. Gall’s law states: “A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. A complex system designed from scratch never


How To Plant Calamansi

Growing trees from seed is an extremely rewarding experience and I try to grow as many trees from seed as I can. Me and my wife frequently plant calamansi from seed although we also planted a lot of calamansi trees bought from nurseries. We love to make calamansi juice and lemonade from our calamansi fruits.


9 Kinds Of Farms That Exist

When people think of farms, they often imagine fields of vegetables, ripening grains, or trees full or fruit, however that is just one kind of way to use farmland. As you will see there are many different kinds of farms to grow products. 1. Food Farms This first kind of farm is what people usually


10 Practical Uses Of Vines

Unveiling the Versatility of Vines: Exploring Nature’s Multi-Purpose Wonders In the intricate tapestry of nature, vines stand out as remarkable marvels, not just for their twisting tendrils and lush foliage but for the myriad ways they intersect with human life. From the mundane to the mystical, vines have woven themselves into our existence, offering a

glass terrarium jar start

Glass Terrarium Jar

Me and Isobelle visited a gardening center and we found a section that had glass jars with plants inside. We thought they were cute and interesting and that we could do the same thing (for less money). So we found an old glass jar in our home and filled it with some soil. We then