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Reef Balls The Seed Balls of The Ocean?

Reef balls are hollow semi-spherical to conical structures of pH neutral concrete, which do not degrade in seawater and are safe for marine life. The reef balls have holes inside for fish and currents to go through.


The Shadow Walkers

Walking on the edges. The dusk and dawn, the intersections. Where the sea meets the sand. And living in the borderland. Between dreams and waking. They walk in shadows. Neither accepted by angels of light, nor demons of dark. Practicing the art Of Shadow walking.


The Poem Of The Wild Couple

The Poem Of The Wild Couple Her long black hair, like the mysteries of the night, flow down her calves like falling stars. The horns on her head shows unwavering pride in all her actions. Her tiger-like sharp fangs and claw-like nails rip apart obstacles and challenges. Her blue eyed, yellow butterfly wings pacifies enemies


The Best Quotes From The Invisibles Comic

What is the Invisibles? The Invisibles was a comic book series written by Grant Morrison in 1994 which ran until the year 2000. The Invisibles is a pretty crazy comic book featuring magic, conspiracies, cults, aliens, sci-fi technology, sex, drugs, violence, time travel, philosophy, rebellion and a lot more! The Invisibles is a great art


How Birds Help With Reforestation

Over the past years I have observed something interesting that I could have never thought of on my own, even tho it is quite simple. When I first came to the farm there was not a single tree growing on the land and there no birds. Today there are lots of trees and its impossible


God Can Not Be Expressed In Words

The priests, scholars, and philosophers after long debates concluded… This is that, and that is this. But eventually they disagreed and after debating then concluded… That is this, and this is that. But eventually they disagreed again and after much debating then concluded… This is not that, and that is not this. Again they disagreed


Understanding Types Of Trees And Their Functions

In this blog post I talk about the different functions trees can have on a natural farm. Beyond a tree just giving either food, wood, or medicine which are the basic resources trees give, lets think of more roles trees can have. The functions are as follows. Note that trees can fulfill multiple functions at


How To Gaze

Mind pervades all, just like the sky. Wipe the dirt from the mirror of mind. And look into the space of the stainless sky. -Milarepa Gazing is one of the most simplest and enjoyable experiences you can undertake. Gazing is almost the same as Doing Nothing. The main difference is that gazing has an object

man in forest tree

How To Do Nothing

I genuinely believe that doing nothing is the key to world peace and happiness. If someone were to ask me: “What should we do about making the world better and attaining worldwide peace?” I would answer “Nothing, nothing all.” Presidents, politicians, and organizations get so worked up about attaining world peace that they end up